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Source: Institute of Ecological Governance of the Loess Area

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(Reported by Correspondent Wang Ziting)April 22-26, 2024,Scientific researchers from the Provincial Academy of Forestry participated in the Innovation Office of the Science and Technology Department of the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau、The Education Training Office of the Personnel Department and the Cadre Management College jointly organized by the Sanbei Engineering Technology Support Senior Training Course jointly organized by the Cadre Management College at Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region。This training course is guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping in strengthening the comprehensive prevention and treatment of desertification stake online sports bettingand promotion of the important speech of key ecological engineering construction such as "Sanbei".,There are 13 provinces from the "Sanbei" engineering area、Autonomous Region、More than 50 professional and technical personnel from the Municipal and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Forest Research Institute participated。Relevant business personnel of the Provincial Academy of Forestry participated in this training course。

Li Shidong, a first -level inspector of the Department of Science and Technology of the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau, attended the opening ceremony,Li Shidong's speech emphasized: First of all,To strengthen students' understanding of the significance of the scientific and technological support of the Sanbei Project,,It is necessary to realize that strengthening the scientific and technological support of the Three North Engineering Campaign is an urgent need to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech、It is an urgent need for implementing the strategy of the central talent power、It is also the urgent need to guide the construction of the My stake betting appbeautiful Sanbei project; second,It is necessary,Settlement around technology、Joint observation of ecological station、Improving the ability of science and technology talents、Promotion of practical scientific and technological achievements in Sanbei area、Promote the improvement of mechanized technology of sand prevention and sand、Strengthening the Standard of Forest Grass Standards to Support Sanbei Project and Desertification Control Technology Innovation International Cooperation 7 major scientific and technological operations to carry out forestry technology key work; finally,Li Shidong asked science and technology personnel to vigorously promote the spirit of scientists,While changing the scientific research evaluation system and incentive mechanism,To establish a scientific and technological concept that dares to innovate,Write the paper on the earth。This training course invites the Chinese Academy of Sciences、Chinese Academy of Forestry、Experts from colleges and universities and research institutions stake sports betting loginat Beijing Forestry University、Scholar,Research on the reasonable configuration mode of Joe Guancao in the "Sanbei" area、Grassland ecological protection and restoration technology support、"Three Norths" Engineering Landscape Forest, Lake and Grass Sand Integration Protection and System Governance Overall Strategy and Thoughts、The key issues and response strategies faced by desertification prevention and control in the "Sanbei" area、Aging degradation protection forest repair technology and other special lectures。

Training meeting also discussed the typical experience and related issues of desertification and "Sanbei" engineering technology support。At a group seminar,The science and technology staff of the Provincial Academy of Forestry Science and Technology in our college in the semi -arid loess hill area to resist drought and afforestation、Treasury tree (grass) choice、Soil and Water Conservation、Comprehensive governance and economic capacity improvement、Returning Forest Land Restore、Research results in the research My stake betting appresults of ecological economic tree species of species and planting have been exchanged and reported,and introduced the Gansu Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau in 2024 to organize the development of forestry technology to support the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promote the construction of key ecological engineering construction such as "Sanbei" and our hospital undertaken the Yellow River "several words". Related situation of research。

Training Class also organizes students to go to the Weng Niut Banner of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to conduct on -site teaching。