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On July 2, 1993, the Second Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 8th National People's Congress was approved
Starting from October 1, 1993
Chapter 1 General Principles
Article 1 In order to promote scientific and technological progress,Priority to develop science and technology in the construction of socialist modernization,Give full play to the first student of science and technology

The role of production power,Promote science and technology service for economic construction,According to the Constitution,Develop this law。

Article 2 The state implements economic construction and social development depends on science and My stake betting apptechnology,Scientific and technological work is basic for economic construction and social development


Article 3 The freedom of national protection scientific research,Encourage scientific exploration and technological innovation,Make science and technology reaching the world's advanced level。

National and whole society respect knowledge、Respect talents,Respect the creative labor of scientific and technical workers,Protect intellectual property。

My stake betting app4,Reform and improve the scientific and technological system,Establishing scientific skills

Effective combination of surgery and economy.

Article 5 State encourages scientific research and technology development,Promoting the results of science and technology,Reform traditional industry,Develop high -tech industry,

and activities that serve economic construction and social development services。

Article 6 The National Knowledge of Science and Technology Popularization,Improve the scientific and cultural stake betting applevel of all citizens。