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The People's Government of Gansu Province

Administrative Measures for the establishment of Gansu Province

Gansu Provincial People's Government Order No. 54

"Administrative Measures for the Preparation of Gansu Provincial Institutions" has been discussed and approved by the 22nd Executive Meeting of the Provincial People's Government on February 4, 2009,It is now announced,It will be implemented from May 1, 2009。

Governor Xu Shousheng
February 11, 2009


Administrative Measures for the establishment of Gansu Province

Chapter 1 General Principles

Article 1 In order to regulate the institution settings,Strengthen the establishment management,According to the "Local Congress of the People's Republic of China and the Organization Law of the People's Government at all levels at all levels and local people's governments"、The Regulations on the Establishment and Preparation and Management of Local People's Government Institutions and Relevant Law、Regulations,Combined with the actual situation of the province,Formation of this method。

Article 2、Institutional best betting sitessettings、The approval of the number of preparation and leadership positions and the supervision and management of institutional preparation work,Applicable this Measures。Law、Regulations and the country's other stipulated,From its regulations。Administrative agencies mentioned in these Measures,refers to the work department of the people's governments at or above the county level and their dispatched agencies and township people's governments。

Public institutions referred to in these Measures,refers to for the purpose of social welfare,organized by the state organs of the province or other organizations using state -owned assets,by the appraisal agency of the organization's establishment and management agency,Education、Scientific Research、Culture、Social service organizations for activities such as sanitation。

Preparation of this Measures,refers to the amount of administrative institutions and public institutions approved by the institutional establishment and management agency。

Article 3 Provincial agencies to compile and manage agencies in charge of the province's establishment and management work,City Prefecture、County and city agencies are responsible for the establishment and management of institutions in the administrative area。The work of the preparation and management authority of the superior agency to guide and supervise the work of the lower best betting sites-level institution to preparation and management agency。

Article 4 Institutions shall meet the needs of comprehensive coordination and sustainable development of economic and society,Persist in centralized management、Approval according to law,streamlined、Unified、Efficacy,Government Enterprise、Policy、Political Affairs、The principle of separation of government and market intermediary organizations。

Article 5 administrative agency uses administrative establishment,Public institutional use of business preparation,No mixing、crowded、Improve or set the preparation of other categories by yourself。

Article 6 of the administrative institution set in accordance with the legal procedures、Public institutions and approved preparation,is hired、hire、Preparation staff、The basis for equipping leaders and nuclear allocation funds。

The people's governments at or above the county level shall establish an institutional establishment、The mechanism of mutual restraint of wages and fiscal budgets。Set up administrative agencies、Public institutions and approval preparation,Fiscal support capabilities should be considered,Some people must not break through the preparation of the approved。Set up administrative agencies、Public institutions and increased preparation,Do not allocate fiscal funds or misappropriate other funds to arrange for their funds。

Article stake betting app7 of the superior administrative agency、Public institutions shall not interfere with lower -level administrative agencies、Institutions of institutions in public institutions,Do not require lower -level administrative agencies、Institutions set up institutions with their business counterparts。Industry standards formulated by the competent department of the higher level,It is not allowed to be used as a basis for the preparation of the approval agency。

Organization matters,The institutional preparation and management organs shall be handled in accordance with the prescribed authority and procedures。Except for the compilation of standardized documents for special agencies,Other normative documents shall not specify that agencies shall preparation for specific matters。

Article 8 Institutional preparation and management agency when determining the establishment of ethnic autonomous local agencies,The actual needs of the implementation of national regional autonomy should be considered。

Chapter 2 Administrative Institutional Institution Preparation Management

Article 9 of the responsibility configuration of administrative institutions,It should be used with law、Regulations and regulations are based on,Refer to the scope of responsibility of the competent department of the higher -level business department,Clear responsibilities、Reasonable division of labor、Institution streamlined、Consistency of power and stake online sports bettingresponsibility,Decision、Coordination of execution and supervision。

Article 10 The setting and adjustment of administrative agencies,It shall be performed within the limit of the national and provincial institutions according to the needs of fulfillment of their duties。During the term of office of the government,The working department of the people's government at or above the county level shall maintain relatively stable。

      Article 11 Persistence A responsibility In principle, an administrative agency is borne by a administrative agency,Indeed, the responsibilities of multiple administrative agencies,Division of division of responsibilities,Divide the main responsibility。

Article 12 of the people's governments at or above the county level shall set up a working department。The working department of the Provincial People's Government is divided into departments and direct institutions。Township People's Government、The street office can set up office institutions,Or set a number of positions according to the actual work。