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Source: Party Branch of the Loess Area Governance Institute


(Reported by Lin Lin, a correspondent on this site) In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress,Institute of Ecological Governance of the Loess My stake betting appArea combined with the "Three Grabs and Three Promotion" operations,Focusing on the construction of the lane lane scientific research base of our hospital,Comprehensively promote various scientific research projects undertaken by the team this year。Since March 6,Tsai Guojun, deputy dean of the Gansu Provincial Academy of Forestry Sciences, led all researchers for the Ecological Governance Research Team of the Loess Area,Starting the first line of scientific research,After more than 20 days of full effort,The annual stake betting appplanning progress is comprehensive and high -quality to complete the base construction and various scientific research projects field trial tasks。

Completed task content: Team personnel strictly follow the requirements of the base scientific research houses,The whole process participated in the field survey of base house construction、Preliminary design、Preparation before construction、The quality supervision of earthwork excavation and recovery projects and the upgrading and transformation of supporting projects such stake sports betting loginas hydropower and electricity; complete more than 70,000 plants and planting and planting in high -quality large seedlings of pencils; complete Xikang tonsils、Long -handed tonsil、Real mutation experiments of 10 single -plant samples such as elm and crowns and other trees species;,Sort the land 30 acres,The local wild grass species of rare chrysanthemum、Breeding experiments of Blood Full Cao and Anemisiamid,and complete the demonstration area of ​​the grassland planting test test area of ​​3 acres; complete the spring spin plowing stake betting appsoil of 65 acres of the dry plant resource garden、Film guarantee。